It All Matters!

Genesis Nfts

Collect and trade digital cards to participate in contests and vote for your favorite talents and earn rewards.

Participate In Photography Contests

Your Talent Matters

Use your NFT to join your preferred choice of photography contest and showcase your talent by competing in various competitions. Quality and professionalism are crucial factors.

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Vote For Your Favorite Photos

Your Votes Matters

Use your NFT to support your favorite photographer and photo by voting for them. NFT holders will nominate winners of each contest by voting for their preferred choice.

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Compete & Earn Rewards

Your Time Matters
Photographers can earn rewards by submitting photos and winning contests. To gain votes quality and professionalism are crucial factors.
NFT holders can earn rewards by voting for photos that succeed in being among the top participants in a competition.


How to participate in a contest?

Sign-up in Reerize

Choose your favorite subject and upload your photo.

How are the winners nominated, How are the winners nominated?


Rewards are awarded to top-ranked photos, and NFT holders will nominate winners of each contest by voting for their preferred choice. Note: Each contest has its unique set of rewards and will be distributed according to the contest-specific terms and rules.


Voters who vote for photos that end up among the top-ranked participants in a specific contest will be rewarded.Note: Each contest has its unique set of rewards and will be distributed according to the contest-specific terms and rules.

Reerize Roadmap

Our Roadmap reflects our aggressive journey towards the talent discovery revolution as we plan to achieve major milestones at a rapid pace of progress.

Title JUN 2023

In-field research, interview with talented people to acquire in-depth understanding of their needs and requirements.

Title JUN 2023

Core team building.

Title JUN 2023

In-depth analysis of Udefy ecosystem.

Title JUN 2023

In-depth analysis of Udefy ecosystem.

Title JUN 2023

Team introduction.